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Day Four

Mettà Bhàvanà
The Development of Friendliness Meditation
(ârakkhà Bhàvanà 2)


1.        Attåpamàya sabbesaü Þ sattànaü sukhakàmataü,
In a similar way to oneself, all Þ beings desire happiness,

            passitvà kamato mettaü Þ sabbasattesu bhàvaye.
having seen that one should gradually develop friendliness towards all beings.

2.        Sukhã bhaveyyaü niddukkho, Þ ahaü niccaü, ahaü viya
May I constantly be happy, free from suffering, and like myself

            hità ca me sukhã hontu, Þ majjhattà càtha verino.
may my benefactors be happy, Þ neutral persons, and foes also.

3.        Imamhi gàmakkhettamhi, Þ sattà hontu sukhã sadà,
In this village, and its surrounding fields, Þ may beings always be happy,

            tato para¤-ca rajjesu, Þ cakkavàlesu jantuno.
and those in other countries, Þ and people throughout the universe.

4.         Samantà cakkavàlesu Þ sattànantesu pàõino,
Throughout the entire universe Þ may the countless beings, creatures,

            sukhino puggalà bhåtà Þ attabhàvagatà siyuü,
persons, and bhåtas, who have attained individuality, be happy,

5.        tathà itthã pumà c' eva Þ ariyà anariyà pi ca,
and so too (all) women, men, Þ noble ones, and also ignoble ones,

            devà narà apàyaññhà, Þ tathà dasadisàsu cà ti.
gods, humans, and fallen creatures, Þ and likewise (all beings) in the ten directions.



The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done


1.     Karaõãyam-atthakusalena, yan-taü santaü padaü abhisamecca:
What should be done by one skilful in good, who has comprehended the state of peace:

        sakko ujå ca såjå ca, suvaco c' assa mudu anatimànã,
he ought to be able, straight, and upright, easy to speak to, meek, without conceit,

2.     santussako ca subharo ca, appakicco ca sallahukavutti,
satisfied (with little), easy to support, free from duties, and light in living,

        sant'-indriyo ca nipako ca, appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho,
with faculties at peace, prudent, not forward, and greedless among the families,

3.     na ca khuddaü samàcare ki¤ci yena vi¤¤å pare upavadeyyuü.
he should not do the slightest thing whereby others who are wise might find fault (with him).

        ßSukhino và khemino hontu, sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhitattà!
ß(May all beings) be happy and secure, may all beings in their hearts be happy!

4.     Ye keci pàõabhåt' atthi - tasà và thàvarà và anavasesà,
Whatsoever breathing beings there are - trembling, firm, or any other (beings),

        dãghà và ye mahantà và, majjhimà rassakàõukathålà,
whether they be long or great, of middle size, short, tiny, or of compact (body),

5.     diññhà và ye ca addiññhà, ye ca dåre vasanti avidåre,
those who are seen, and those who are unseen, those who live far away, those who are near,

        bhåtà và sambhavesã và - sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhitattà!û
those who are born, and those who still seek birth - may all beings in their hearts be happy!û

6.     Na paro paraü nikubbetha, nàtima¤¤etha katthaci naü ka¤ci,
No one should cheat another, nor should he despise anyone wherever they be,

        byàrosanà pañighasa¤¤à nतam-a¤¤assa dukkham-iccheyya.
he should not long for suffering for another because of anger or resentment.

7.     Màtà yathà niyaü puttaü àyusà ekaputtam-anurakkhe,
In the same way as a mother would protect her son, her only son, with her life,

        evam-pi sabbabhåtesu mànasaü bhàvaye aparimàõaü.
so toward all beings he should develop the measureless thought (of friendliness).

8.     Metta¤-ca sabbalokasmiü mànasaü bhàvaye aparimàõaü,
Towards the whole wide world he should develop the measureless thought of friendliness,

        uddhaü adho ca tiriya¤-ca, asambàdhaü averaü asapattaü.
above, below, and across (the middle), without barriers, hate, or enemy.

9.     Tiññhaü caraü nisinno và, sayàno và yàvat' assa vigatamiddho,
Standing, walking, sitting, lying, for as long as he is without torpor,

        etaü satiü adiññheyya, brahmam-etaü vihàraü idha-m-àhu.
he should be resolved on this mindfulness, for this, they say here, is the (true) spiritual life.

10.   Diññhi¤-ca anupagamma, sãlavà dassanena sampanno,
Without going back to (wrong) views, virtuous, and endowed with (true) seeing,

        kàmesu vineyya gedhaü, na hi jàtu gabbhaseyyaü puna-r-etã ti.
having removed (all) greed for sense pleasures, he will never come to lie in a womb again.


Verse of Blessing

Etena saccavajjena Þ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena Þ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may all disease be destroyed!



Verses from the Dhammapada

183.     Sabbapàpassa akaraõaü, Þ kusalassa upasampadà,
Not doing any bad deeds, Þ undertaking wholesome deeds,

            sacittapariyodapanaü - Þ etaü Buddhàna' sàsanaü.
and purifying one's mind - Þ this is the teaching of the Buddhas.


184.                 Khantã paramaü tapo titikkhà,
Forbearing patience is the supreme austerity,

            Nibbànaü paramaü vadanti Buddhà.
Nibbàna is supreme say the Buddhas.

                        Na hi pabbajito paråpaghàti,
One gone forth does not hurt another,

            samaõo hoti paraü viheñhayanto.
(nor does) an ascetic harrass another.


185.     Anåpavàdo, anåpaghàto, Þ pàtimokkhe ca saüvaro,
Not finding fault, not hurting, Þ restraint in regard to the precepts,

            matta¤¤utà ca bhattasmiü, Þ panta¤-ca sayanàsanaü,
knowing the correct measure in food, Þ (living in) a remote dwelling place,

            adhicitte ca àyogo - Þ etaü Buddhàna' sàsanaü.
being devoted to meditation - Þ this is the teaching of the Buddhas.

277.      Sabbe saïkhàrà aniccà ti, Þ yadà pa¤¤àya passati,
All conditioned things are impermanent, Þ when one sees this with wisdom,

            atha nibbindati dukkhe - Þ esa maggo visuddhiyà.
then one grows tired of suffering - Þ this is the path to purity.

278.      Sabbe saïkhàrà dukkhà ti, Þ yadà pa¤¤àya passati,
All conditioned things are suffering, Þ when one sees this with wisdom,

            atha nibbindati dukkhe - Þ esa maggo visuddhiyà.
then one grows tired of suffering - Þ this is the path to purity.

279.      Sabbe dhammà anattà ti, Þ yadà pa¤¤àya passati,
All things are without a self, Þ when one sees this with wisdom,

            atha nibbindati dukkhe - Þ esa maggo visuddhiyà.
then one grows tired of suffering - Þ this is the path to purity.



The Verses on the Great Blessings of Success


1.         Mahàkàruõiko nàtho, Þ hitàya sabbapàõinaü,
The lord of great compassion, Þ for the benefit of all living creatures,

            påretvà pàramã sabbà Þ patto Sambodhim-uttamaü.
fulfilled all the perfections Þ and attained supreme and Complete Awakening.

            Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

2.         Jayanto Bodhiyà måle Þ Sakyànaü nandivaddhano -
Succeeding at the root of the Bodhi tree Þ he furthered the Sakyans' joy -

            evaü tuyhaü jayo hotu, Þ jayassu jayamaïgalaü!
so may you be successful, Þ may you succeed with the blessing of success!

3.         Sakkatvà Buddharatanaü, Þ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Buddha treasure, Þ the best and supreme medicine,

            hitaü devamanussànaü, Þ Buddhatejena sotthinà
of benefit to gods and men, Þ by the bless‚d power of the Buddha

            nassantu 'paddavà sabbe, Þ dukkhà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, Þ and all suffering come to an end for you!


4.         Sakkatvà Dhammaratanaü, Þ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Dhamma treasure, Þ the best and supreme medicine,

            pariëàhåpasamanaü, Þ Dhammatejena sotthinà
which brings fevers to an end, Þ by the bless‚d power of the Dhamma

            nassantu 'paddavà sabbe, Þ bhayà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, Þ and all fear come to an end for you!


5.         Sakkatvà Saïgharatanaü, Þ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Sangha treasure, Þ the best and supreme medicine,

            àhuneyyaü pàhuneyyaü, Þ Saïghatejena sotthinà
worthy of gifts and hospitality, Þ by the bless‚d power of the Sangha

            nassantu 'paddavà sabbe, Þ rogà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, Þ and all disease come to an end for you!


6.         Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke Þ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

            ratanaü Buddhasamaü n' atthi: Þ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Buddha: Þ because of this may you be safe!


7.         Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke Þ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

            ratanaü Dhammasamaü n' atthi: Þ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Dhamma: Þ because of this may you be safe!

8.         Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke Þ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

            ratanaü Saïghasamaü n' atthi: Þ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Sangha: Þ because of this may you be safe!


9.         N' atthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, Þ Buddho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, Þ for me the Buddha is the best refuge!

            Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!


10.       N' atthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, Þ Dhammo me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, Þ for me the Dhamma is the best refuge!

            Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

11.       N' atthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, Þ Saïgho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, Þ for me the Sangha is the best refuge!

            Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!


12.      Sabb' ãtiyo vivajjantu Þ sabbarogo vinassatu,
May you avoid all calamities Þ and may all disease be destroyed,

            mà te bhavatvantaràyo, Þ sukhã dãghàyuko bhava!
may there be no obstacles for you, Þ may you be happy and live long!



Now go to Conclusion part 2: Bhavatu sabba-mangalaü...


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